Categorías de Lanzarote

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Bus Tours


Fulfilling the highest quality standards, discover the island by means of qualified tourist guides and modern coaches.

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Boat Activities


Enjoy various activities at sea. Choose the one you like best and enjoy a fantastic day at sea.

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Park Narodowy Timanfaya


Park Narodowy Timanfaya

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César Manrique Foundation


The old house of the artist of Lanzarote was turned into a Museum and it is there where most of the creations of César Manrique can be seen, concentrated into two collections: contemporary art and the Manriques Private Collection.

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Jameos del agua


Jameos del agua is located in Haria, north of Lanzarote. Sculpted by nature and by the hand of a genius born on the island: "Cesar Manrique". You cannot leave Lanzarote without visiting Jameos del agua.

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Cueva de los Verdes


An essential visit to discover the natural heritage of Lanzarote. The "Cueva de los Verdes" is formed from a huge volcanic tube and by the eruption of "La Corona Volcano".

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Inne wycieczki i aktywności


W tej kategorii znajdziesz: przygodę, przyrodę, zajęcia wodne i wiele więcej!

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La Graciosa


The jewel of the north is called. You can’t miss in your visit to Lanzarote. The Island of La Graciosa and its magnificent sand-beaches. One of the paradises of Lanzarote, and it is only 30 minutes by boat!

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Prywatne wycieczki


Jeśli masz prywatną grupę i chcesz bardziej spersonalizowanej wycieczki, LCT Europe oferuje najlepsze wycieczki w rozsądnej cenie.

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Wycieczki dla rejsów wycieczkowych


Are you on a cruise in Lanzarote? Do not miss the opportunity to know the highlights of this amaizing island. LCT Europe gives you the opportunity to do it and with the best value for money in the market.

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